(T wasn't there, so Janet gave me a screen print of the stats)
Weight - 3 lb 2 oz (1426 g)
Right ventricle - 2.16
Left ventricle - 2.33
3rd ventricle - 6.4 mm
Head circumference - 28.52 cm (67.6)
Abdominal circumference - 25.82 cm (57.1%)
Femur length - 5.36 cm (9.8%)
Overall growth percentile - 38.8%
and she has hair on the back of her head, 1.1 cm
8 of 8 on fetal well being (BPP) - she was practicing breathing like a champ, moving and grooving, and generally not staying still long enough to get readings or good pictures.
Actually, to get all these pictures, I had to keep rolling from side to side so we could get a decent angle, and maybe trick her into unblocking her face and showing her cuteness.

a regular U/S profile, with some of the exposed bowel near her face.
She was all rolled up on herself for most of the exam, with her chin tucked into her chest and her mouth near the exposed intestines.

FOOT! See the pointed out big toe.

FOOTPRINT! So, so cute.

There's the hair on the back of her head.
There is measurement thingie, showing 1.1 cm of hair.
(So, she hopefully won't be a bald baby like her mommy was.)

It's kind of alien baby looking.
But you can clearly see her hand and her nose across her face.
And, I believe you can sort of see a little intestine too.

She's got her finger and thumb across her nose.
(during this series of photos, the tech said she was opening and closing her eyes.)

She's wiping her nose with her thumb.

now she's blocking her face with her forearm.
I call this series of pictures, "No paparazzi photos, please."
It's like she knows we are trying to get pictures, and is blocking our efforts.
Met with Jedi doctor again. Asked a bunch of questions. He told me I should go into medicine, what with my knowledge and the questions I asked. I like Jedi doctor. He's funny and friendly.
(and the next day I had an appointment at the Pediatric Surgery Center to meet the doctor who will be performing the gastroschisis repair. This particular doc came recommended by both the MFM office and my OB. He was good, and was young, but not too young, knowledgeable, a parent of two, and from a two-doctor family. He answered most of my questions, and reassured me. He said she could wear normal clothing once she was out of the hospital, and would have minimal scarring, and be basically a normal child. That's the gastroschisis part; now I just have to meet the neuro and take two hospital tours.)
1 comment:
I can't wait for her to get here! She is gonna be so YUMMY!!!!! Those pictures are adorable. I don't know if the increased technology is a good thing, because you can see how things are progressing, or a bad thing because you can see so much it makes you anxious for the baby to arrive! Keep up the good work, Mom!
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